This version is deprecated. See the latest version.
Web Application Guidelines
Version 3.0 for the City of Malmö’s intranet, “Komin”.
Intranet Vision
A modern organization requires a modern intranet.
Employees today expect not only the classic intranet content—reference material for work and news about changes—they also want to be able to perform job-related tasks directly on the intranet and contribute themselves by commenting, asking questions and sharing their knowledge. Also, the employees expect to use the intranet from any place, on every device. A steadily growing number of smartphones and tablets exist in organizations—so also at City of Malmö.
For these reasons City of Malmö’s intranet Komin must have a variety of seamlessly integrated services and a responsive user experience all the way from the intranet home page, via the content pages, throughout the interaction in the services. Content, tools and services must work on all screen sizes and on the major HTML5 compatible devices.
Web Application Guidelines 3.0 explains how to integrate your service into the intranet and how you can take part in creating a superior intranet experience.
WAG Purpose
The City of Malmö’s Web Application Guidelines (WAG) and the global assets are used by web based applications within the organization to give the end user a consistent experience of the intranet independently of the different technical systems behind the services.
Familiarize yourself with the guidelines if you:
- Are planning procurement of a system, it can be an existing product or a custom built solution.
- Are developing a new web based application.
- Are a vendor working with the introduction of a new system.
- Are adapting or updating an existing web based application.
Exceptions From the WAG
New systems built for, or procured by, the City of Malmö must use all of the WAG. If the is not possible, please contact to discuss an exception. There are two levels of partial compliance with the WAG:
- If you have complex forms that cannot use the markup structure specified in the Forms section, use the instructions in that section to avoid the global assets from interfering with your own styling. Don’t forget that the forms must still be easy to use.
- If your application for some reason can’t be changed at all when it comes to the user interface and if the application is not a significant service in the intranet that employees use for daily tasks, you can get an exception from to just use the masthead in your application. See the Getting Started section for technical instructions.
Browser Support
A list of devices and browsers that web based intranet services must support is available in the previous version of the WAG.
Accessibility guidelines are available in the previous version of the WAG.
Source Code: License and Management
Source code developed for the City of Malmö—it could be a full system, an extension to a system or a component—will be open source licensed under AGPL 3.0 unless otherwise agreed in writing.
Before you start development, contact and request access to a repository in the City of Malmö’s Github organization account. Include Github usernames of the project members in the request. The Github repository must be used during development and maintenance of the code.
Please contact for questions about the WAG.
External Services
If your system has an external audience, i.e. it is not part of the intranet, you must use WAG version 2.0 that gives the end user the